How do you increase sales close rate by 4x? How do you find your next big deal?

Finding your next big deal can be difficult, but it’s nothing compared to winning that deal over your many qualified competitors. Did you know that customers who are referrals are 4 times more likely to buy from you? In fact, over 84% of B2B decision makers start their large purchases with a referral.

Sales in advisory type industries, such as real estate and financial planning, require building trust well in advance of a sale. You could use the tried and true method of 5 to 12 calls to a prospect to build that trust, or you could use referrals to accelerate trust between you and your leads. Here’s how you can hack referrals together to increase sales close rate by 4x:

Increasing sales close rate 101: Hack together a referral from someone who can genuinely refer you to your sales prospect.

Use your social media networks and tools that are designed to connect people! The network you are already connected to is the quickest way to get referred to your next big deal.

Tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Rapportive are specifically designed to connect people. In the video below, Andrew Bermudez, CEO and Co-Founder of Digsy AI, shows how he identifies connections between himself and sales leads, then connects with them using his social network.

His biggest tip? Add everyone who comes into contact with you to LinkedIn!

Click the image below to view the full video.

hacking referrals

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Digsy AI is an easy & powerful cold calling CRM software platform that helps sales teams generate and close more deals with less manual work. Supercharge your sales team & skyrocket your sales with Digsy AI NOW!

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Originally posted on Digsy AI Blog.